2nd year of post-compulsory secondary education
Magnetic field
José Luis San Emeterio
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The giant terrestrial magnet
The giant terrestrial magnet
   The inset shows the lines of force caused by the magnetic properties of the Earth.

   Note how the lines leave the south pole (the magnetic north) and enter the north pole (the magnetic south).

   Observe how compasses point north as a consequence.

   It is important to note that the magnetic poles do not coincide with the geographic poles. From every point on the Earth, there is

a difference of a few degrees between the direction in which a compass points and the direction of the geographical north pole. The difference is called magnetic declination. The magnetic declination changes slowly as time goes by. This means that the magnetic poles move. In fact, the polarity of the Earth, changes in irregular geological time periods.
Background information
Natural magnets
Lines of force
Magnets and currents
The effects of the magnetic field
on a charged particle
on a straight cable
on a loop
The creation of magnetic fields
by a charged particle
by a rectilinear current
by a coil
An explanation of natural magnetism
Induced currents
Magnetic flux
The laws of Faraday and Lenz
Alternating current
The generation of alternating currents
A circuit of alternating current